Online Therapy for People in Europe
“Basics” in Maths:
“The thing to keep in mind is that all these “basics” were once cutting-edge research. And the people who got to the bottom of these matters were not trivial idiots. They were great masters. The more you look at this material in this way, the more you’ll find you can tolerate it in good humor, and without fearing its deadening effects on your strange, wild mind.”
— Laurens Gunnarsen
- p-hacking
- The Evolution of Trust (An introduction to Game Theory)
- Math Girls
- An Illustrated Handbook of Theoretical Physics: Introduction to Mathematical Structures
- The Magnificent 2D Matrix
- When is one thing equal to some other things?
- Topology for Physicists
- Pictorial basic topology via physics and engineering examples
- Kindergarten Quantum Mechanics
Medium Spice in Maths:
can be found on libgen if a link is not given
- Analysis by Its History (by Hairer and Wanner)
- Lectures on Number Theory (by Peter Gustav Lejeune Dirichlet and edited by Dedekind)
- Classics in mathematics: Problems and Theorems in Analysis I: Series, Integral Calculus, Theory of Functions (Polya and Szego)
- The Algebra II Lectures of the Poetic Kazuya Kato
Machine Learning and Neural Networks
- All the basic algorithms in ML arranged in a nice graph to follow, work through the examples
sci-kit learn
- Chris has excellent clear expositions of basic topics in neural networks and deep learning, Chris Olah’s blog